Or how your thoughts create reality around you
‘’The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.’
Albert Einstein
Have you ever stopped and listened to all the thoughts that rush through your head? Have you paid attention to them , are they: positive or negative? How do you actually talk to yourself?
If you carefully take a closer look, you’ll notice that there’s not a single moment in your mind without thoughts. We think about something all the time. No wonder, today we are more than ever before, bombed with all kinds of information and facts. If you don’t watch tv, then you listen to radio or read newspapers, or you’re hooked on the internet where you can find literally anything. Your brain is like a sponge, absorbing everything. Literally, necessary and unnecessary stuff. Can you imagine what he is best in?! In memorizing useless information. So you come to a situation where, because of all those thoughts in your mind, which are like jumping monkeys, you don’t have peace.
Plus if those thoughts are negative, you’re in for it. And most people’s thoughts are, because all the information we receive are filled with fear, hatred, anger or other negative emotions. Because of all this there are more and more aggressive, irritable, depressed and unhappy people currently on the planet.
Let me ask you one more question: Have you ever thought about how things that surround us are created ?
– What do you say?!
-Someone created them.
-And how did they do it?
Hmmm ….. someone invented them, you say … that would mean that at some point they had to think about them, right? In their minds, the idea, which was created from thoughts, was born, after which they got down to work and created something new.
If this explanation is correct, and it is, then why is it difficult for most people to believe that their thoughts create the reality that we live in?
When I first met with this idea it seemed unbelievable to me. It slipped out of me: Yeah, right! If it’s so, then why don’t I sit in a five-star hotel sipping margarita and enjoying my life? If I’m really in control of such a thing, would I willingly create this life to myself?
But something didn’t give me peace, the idea intrigued me. I wanted to check better everything. And so I did. After a while, some things became quite clear to me. I realized that it is true: we do crate individual and collective reality with our thoughts .
My journey began when I watched the movie ‘’The Secret’’, If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend it to you, or you can read the book instead, why not. It will shake your mind really good, believe me! Mine certainly did. It was one of those AHA! moments. Since then my life has turned around for 360 degrees. Slowly I became a deliberate creator of my own reality.
I admit, it was not easy. Along the way there were many obstacles and I stumbled a lot, but something didn’t give me peace. I got up and continued on. I had a feeling, and I still have that there is some force pulling me to the truth, which is known to the mankind since the beginning of time. How and why this truth has been forgotten, and was it kept secret from the general population, I will not get into here. The aim of this article is to explain how our thoughts create reality and I will focus all my attention to that.
Let’s say that you have accepted this idea, which I guess you have, since you’re still reading; Now you want to know the answer to the question that I asked myself at the beginning: Why would anyone create a hell of their own lives on purpose. This is certainly a good question, but before I answer it, first I want to explain to you how it all works. I will be as brief and concise as possible, so I won’t suffocate you with excessive information at the very beginning. For those who are already familiar with this topic it would be useful to remind themselves of the lessons they have already taken. Repetition is the mother of all learning.
Well, first of all it is important to know that we are dual beings. We have a physical body, and it is composed of matter that after death decomposes and returns to Earth. We also have something that religion and philosophy call a soul, which existence science hasn’t proved yet, but I have no doubts that this will happen soon.
What is this soul made up of if the body is made up of a matter? From energy, which is eternal and infinite. And where does this energy come from? From the Source, or God, or the Universe or Infinite Intelligence; names are different but the essence is the same. I call it the Source and you can call it whatever you want. So we all come from the Source which is pure unconditional love and happiness. We have come into this physical environment to explore and expand the overall knowledge of the infinite Source. We are like some walking antennas that transmit vibrations and frequencies, but that also receive.
There are low and high frequencies and they are easily measured. Then how can we know what our frequencies and vibrations are? For that we have emotions. Negative emotions are at low and positive at high vibration levels. Our main condition is the one we have come from, the Source, the state of unconditional love and happiness. All other emotional states show us where we are on the vibrational scale. Emotions are actually like a GPS. When you pay attention to your emotions, you can easily know how you vibrate and what you will attract into your life. Most people walk through life not knowing about this. They live on an autopilot wandering around and bumping against various difficulties and hardships, not understanding why certain things happen to them, and they even do this on repeat.
In order for our souls to achieve their tasks which they have come into this physical form for, they need new experiences. And for that we have to go through a variety of events and situations. Since the main goal is progress and advance the only way is through contradictions. This means that only when we experience something we don’t want, do we actually understand and learn what we really want. If you consciously pay attention to those moments in your life you open the door that leads you to miracles. It is then that you become deliberate creator of your reality. When you accept the idea that you always have the GPS inside of you in the form of emotions, you become aware that you are never lost and that the path you walk is always illuminated.
Simple formula is:
Thoughts + Emotion = Manifestation
I need to emphasize a very important thing – you don’t need to learn how to manifest, because you always manifest something. You should train yourself how to manifest wanted things instead, how to become a deliberate creator of your own reality, and how to reduce the number of contradictions in your life.
OK now let’s get back to the question of: why would anyone create bad things for themselves. Because you were taught to do so, because when you were only a kid your parents, relatives, society, state, religion, etc. programmed you that way…. The program you have in yourself is called a paradigm. Until you change the paradigm that is encrypted in you, you will always manifest unwanted things. Have you noticed a difference in thinking and behavior in the children of wealthy parents and the children of poor parents regarding money? The children of wealthy parents don’t have the same beliefs about money like the children of the poor parents do, because from an early age they get a different program that allows them to stay as adults good with money. Of course, there are always exceptions, because people are complex and complicated beings and they have dozens and dozens of different beliefs about everything. We are layered like an onion, and until you find out what’s behind each layer you cannot know exactly what’s in your paradigm.
Sometimes our beliefs are so deep that we are unaware of them, so you should spend a good period of self-analyzing to find all your beliefs that others have programmed in you. When you engage in this business pay attention to emotions, if they are positive it means that these beliefs are yours and that you should keep them, and if they are negative these beliefs are not yours and you need to reprogram them in order to insert new positive ones in their place. After you have completed this you will begin to manifest the desired things.
This process according to Bashar has 7 steps:
1. Vision – you must have a clear vision of what you want to manifest.
2. The desire – you have to have a strong desire, which is expressed by positive emotions.
3. Belief / Knowledge – that it is possible to manifest, and that you deserve it.
4. Acceptance – accepting this new belief as truth.
5. Intention – consciously focus on what you want to manifest. This step must be relaxed and done effortlessly.
6. Action – you must act as if you had accomplished and achieved the desired manifestation.
7. Allowance – this is a crucial step. You need to give your desire to the Source completely unconditionally. You shouldn’t have any expectations about when, how, by whom, where ….. your desire will be manifested. It’s not up to you, it’s up to the Source.
Whether something is going to be manifested or not, you will know by the emotions you have. If your emotions are positive then the events manifest very soon, if they are not then you will have to wait for manifestation. This may seem complex, but once you understand it you will find that it’s really simple. For some things you will need more time and for some other things less, it all depends on how deep your old negative paradigms about what you want to manifest are rooted.
First of all always start with the easiest one, like with physical activities. Of course you will not run 10 kilometers at the first go, sprinting, but you will start with lighter pace and shorter routes instead. It is the same with mental training of manifestation. It’s not the idea to overwork, burn out and give up at the beginning, but your goal is to realize and fully understand yourself, the world around you and how it all works. Second of all it is also important to keep in mind that this is a process and it’s gonna last as long as you live. You will always encounter contrasts and you will always want something. So relax and enjoy. Trust your emotions, explore your paradigm and most of all – have fun. Because life can be beautiful if you choose it to be.
This topic can be written at great length. Many did it before me, and I got all the knowledge that I’m now passing on to to you from them. So, indulge in researching and acquiring knowledge that is available now more than ever. And when the student is ready the teacher always appears. Everyone can be a teacher and the best are the ones who bring contrasts into your life. Therefore, look at them with gratitude, because without them you would never learn the lessons and become a deliberate creator of your own reality.
In the next post I will show you a couple of mental exercises to learn how to calm this jumping monkeys of thoughts and to learn how to protect yourself from other people’s negative vibrations. Until then we can continue talking about thoughts and manifestation in the comment section.
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